Science and Grace: God's Reign in the Natural Sciences

Science and Grace: God's Reign in the Natural Sciences Review

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Science & Grace combines scholarly wisdom and practical advice to provide thoughtful Christians a clear perspective on a controversial issue. In a thorough analysis, the authors prove that science and the Bible are not at odds, but actually dovetail for a heightened appreciation of God's creation.

Although the subject is approached from an academic angle, the diligent reader will definitely become more knowledgeable about an issue that is impacting our culture. Theology and scientific beliefs are shown to be the foundation on which people interact with the world around them. Decisions about scientific endeavors are based on these convictions and those decisions may eventually touch the lives of millions of people. Developing a Christian worldview is not an option, but a necessity. These pages will guide believers through the maze of misinformation to find a definitive and purposeful path.

Most noteworthy is the broad approach to this subject. The authors didn't dwell on the creation and evolution debate, but delved into other aspects of modern science and how they relate to Christian thinking and involvement. This offers readers a practical view of both the benefits, as well as the misuse of science, and offers advice on the right response to these situations.

This book is ultimately an expression of the glory of God's creation. Beholding the world through the lens of science magnifies the work of the Creator in the world today. This appreciation, combined with the factual evidence the authors provide, helps readers formulate an intelligent response to this subject, while also recognizing the responsibility that results. The book closes with some practical recommendations for combining science and Scripture in relevant areas of life.

Science & Grace has the potential to propel Christians to the forefront of the scientific debates that shape our society, allowing their opinions to steer crucial and worldwide decisions. - Joyce Handzo, Christian Book

Jesus Christ is Lord of creation and Christians are called to bear witness to his glory and faithfulness in all things. Yet in recent years, science and Christianity have often been considered two distinct types of knowledge, each self-contained-the truth of one doing nothing to the validity of the other. We are now living in a time of transition from a modern to a postmodern cultural context, and how exactly Christianity and science will influence and be influenced by this transition is yet to be seen.

In this transition, the divide that seemed to exist between these two branches of knowledge appears to be crumbling and an apparent "war" between science and Christian theology has started-with many on both sides insisting that a high regard of the one automatically translates into a low regard for the other. More and more the developments of science appear to challenge the basic beliefs of Christianity. Has science gotten off track? Does Christian theology need to be corrected by science? Is there such a thing as a Christian science or is science just science? The shift in our cultural backdrop now provides a valuable opportunity for Christians to examine these questions and to reassess the way we have come to frame science and religion issues.

While many books address science and faith issues, Science and Grace uniquely offers wisdom for Christians who desire to refine their perspective on science so that critical analysis of the scientific pronouncements of our day as well as thankful appreciation for scientific endeavor spring naturally from their Christian worldview. Authors Tim Morris and Don Petcher help readers to develop a "theology of science" that utilizes specifically Christian convictions about God's faithfulness to his creation. This "theology of science" encourages Christians to be actively and confidently involved in science itself as well as in the current discussions about the status of science in our culture, thus bearing witness to God's reign even in the natural sciences.

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Customer Reviews

A great help to those Christians in science - Phillip Broussard - Lookout Mtn, GA
To be upfront, I know both the authors, and have followed the production of this work closely. Nonetheless, I feel after reading the book in its entirety, that Petcher and Morris have done an excellent job at showing how Christians should view their work in science. Clearly dealing with the issues of modernism and postmodernism, they discuss how science is intimately tied to one's worldview and should be clearly presented as such. The dealing of how God works in the midst of what we perceive as "natural law" and "miracles" is very helpful in understanding how God deals with his creation. The second part of the text deals with how Christians should see their work in the sciences, and again the authors make a strong case for seeing this work as fully in Christ's kingdom. They give good guidance to those who worry whether a Christian should be in science, as well as how to deal with the issues one will face when working in science. For those who see their science as separate from their faith, this book will be challenging, yet extremely benefical.

Jul 09, 2010 16:28:43


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